Sponsor us

We've done enough endurance and challenge events to bore everyone with our fundraising, and the truth is that we are going to do this journey anyway, but if you want to do something to wish us well on our way, a donation to MS Research would be exactly that.

You can do that here

Lizzie's mum was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis more than 15 years ago.  As a condition that affects everyone so differently, and for which there is no real treatment, a diagnosis can feel like being pushed out into the dark as you have to find your own way to accommodate and understand its presence in your life.  

Over 1% of the population in the UK, that's 100,000 people have MS, most of whom are diagnosed between 20 and 40 and face an uncertain and challenging future. 

Through previous fundraising, we have raised money for both the MS Society and the MS Center which Mum attends in Halton; two organisations that are integral to, and much appreciated for their support for people living with MS.  However, research has to be a key pillar of the response to any condition. For people like Mum who have lived with MS for many years, the condition and its subsequent impact on her body has become an inescapable and irreversible part of her daily life, but for those not yet diagnosed, research presents a hope that it might not have to be this way.  With a friend currently going through a diagnosis we feel this more than ever right now and so want to use this opportunity to raise money for a charity specifically focused on doing just that. 

Please support MS Research to help them to continue their great work.