Wednesday 24 April 2013

Bad Hair Day

It is fair to say that most days on TDA are bad hair days; the combination of sun, helmet hair and irregular washing don’t make for the most beautiful hairdos.  Hair management not being Lizzie’s forte even at the best of times, she had it cut unusually short before departing for Cairo however by Livingstone it was in need of a bit of attention. 

Bad Hair Day
The five large women busy gossiping in the ladies salon inexplicably insisted that she should have her hair cut in the ‘Happy Hair Cut Men’s Salon’ across the street.  At first the fact that everyone else in the salon was bald seemed entertaining (I had no idea so much care went into buffing!), however when the stylist pointed at a poster of pictures of heads with variations of thunder bolts shaved into their scalps and asked which I wanted I wondered if he had misunderstood the word trim. 
Thirty sweaty minutes later (and a narrow escape from the whole process being performed with an electric razor), and unsurprisingly, Lizzie was back to having a boys haircut!
Oh well! Still two more months before work...

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