Blazing Saddles 2013 has become Blazing Saddles 2016. We are resurrecting our blog, which documents our ride from Cairo to Cape Town in 2013.
This year, starting in April Lizzie and Ali are loading up our bikes and heading south from Cancun, aiming for Quito. We'll share our journey through photos, films and the odd musing from the road (less of the 'we rode a long way and were really tired' more of the 'the world is amazing, here's what we found out').
After our blog on the wind the other day, we were riding through Namibia (into a headwind, naturally) and saw this sign, which we wish had come a week earlier so we could have included it with the post!
That's confidence in weather forecasting if ever I saw it! If only Mr Fish had been so certain...! Laura xx