Whilst we have been pedalling away, we have been taking
quite a lot of footage and have stitched together a video summary of Section 1,
from Cairo to Khartoum. Click here to watch it. I don’t think any directors
need to worry just yet.
Blazing Saddles 2013 has become Blazing Saddles 2016. We are resurrecting our blog, which documents our ride from Cairo to Cape Town in 2013. This year, starting in April Lizzie and Ali are loading up our bikes and heading south from Cancun, aiming for Quito. We'll share our journey through photos, films and the odd musing from the road (less of the 'we rode a long way and were really tired' more of the 'the world is amazing, here's what we found out').
I love the video. I still think you guys are amazing (and properly mental). Good luck - keeping fingers crossed for fewer punctures and pictures of bleeding limbs!