Sunday 27 January 2013

No Flies on Us ...

Actually, loads and loads of flies on us. 

 I think that this would be considered a plague.  Having arrived in Wadi Halfa we headed through the desert and towards the Nile.  With the water comes the curse of the flies, which are intent on constantly swatting themselves against us.

They are enough to make you scream, getting in your ears and eyes.  The second your lycra is down they cling on to our legs – something they probably regret once they get stuck inside our shorts.

One of the riders, Tijis was particularly attractive to them: 

Despite the heat and the wind, being on the bike is actually better as the flies just can’t keep up. The Sudanese deal with this issue by covering their faces in hair nets

We are now trying to use fire to keep them away, but the local support crew seem to think that plastic bottles and flip flops make for good fuel…

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